Tuesday, September 22, 2009

More with Adjectives!

Another activity to do with "travel" adjectives:

After having the students do the exercise of describing their assigned countries with their bags of adjective words, have them upgrade the activity. Ask the students to brainstorm a little about their given country. Ask them to think of famous landmarks or activities found in their assigned country (i.e. China: Great Wall, pandas, eating with chopsticks, etc.). After brainstorming, ask students to write a letter to a friend. The letter should be written as though the students are visiting their assigned country and writing about it to a friend. They should use 3 or so of their adjectives and write about some of the things they are "doing." After they write and edit their letter, have them design a postcard. They can draw pictures of their assigned country and then transfer their letter onto the postcard. Ukrainians really enjoy this activity.

Saturday, September 19, 2009


A game that I tried last week turned out to be very simple but a big hit among the students. We were covering adjectives and started by playing the spelling game, using the adjectives that would come up in the next game.

For the next game, we assigned each group a country: China, Egypt, and Greece. Then, they were given a bag of adjectives: ancient, European, dry, warm, cold, Mediterranean, rugged, mountainous, coastal, etc. The students were then to decide which adjectives described their assigned country. They really enjoyed sorting through the words. Then, they took turns describing their countries. Nothing fancy, but they enjoyed it and were able to practice reading and speaking.