Thursday, August 6, 2009

Speed Scrabble

Some call it Speed Scrabble. Some call it Take 2. Either way, it's a pretty good game to play with advanced students.

Set of Scrabble tiles. If you don't have a set of real tiles, you can make them. Paper and pen is the most basic form, of course. A volunteer team that came to work with me made me several sets on those craft, foam sheets.

1. Each team starts out with five tiles- facedown.
2. When the game starts, each team turns over their tiles and begins making words with the tiles they have. The first team to use all five tiles says, "Take 2."
3. All teams- whether or not they have used all of their original 5- take 2 more tiles from the pile in the middle.
4. Team now try to use up the tiles they have. They can take apart their original tiles to form different words, if they wish.
5. The game continues until there are no tiles left in the middle.
6. Keep score by counting the points of all the tiles that were used to form words. If teams have tiles leftover, the points on those tiles are subtracted from the score.

Have fun!


Jaclyn.... said...

great idea. How many tiles to you normally use in a game?

Peter said...

Hi Erin,

I really like Speed Scrabble too.

You may be interested to know that you can also play Speed Scrabble Online.

Good practice for the kids - and adults! :)