Monday, February 1, 2010

Beginner "Activities" continued...

We continued with the basic activities that we worked with last week. We used the same matching cards that we did last week; I had the students re-match them as a review. After we read through them and defined them again, I divided the students into pairs and gave each group five of the activity cards. They worked to create some simple sentences with the phrases, and then we discussed and corrected. After that, I introduced some new activities:

1. go to the bathroom (clarification: the picture on the card is of the stick man/woman figures from a bathroom sign.) I chose to do this one, because it has been an issue of confusion: in Ukraine, you do not ask where the bathroom is but rather where the toilet is. Most of the time (especially in houses), the toilet is in a separate room from the sink and the toilet. If you ask where the bathroom is, you will be taken to the sink room. Personal experience.

2. brush your teeth

3. take a shower

4. wake up

5. go to bed

6. take out the trash

7. take a bus

8. cook a meal

9. buy groceries

10. go for a run

This actually took up the whole class, even if it doesn't seem like a lot. Next week, we're going to start working on a story from the New Testament.

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