Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Would You Rather…?

Again, another well-know game for most Americans.

I’ve used this with my middle school girls on Saturdays, and we’ve used it with our advanced students. There are several variants, but the main idea is this:

Create a list of options. Ask the students to stand if they prefer option 1 and remain seated if they prefer option 2. If you have a more active bunch, you can have them move to one side of the room if they choose option 1 and move to the other side of the room if option 2. OR, you can make it a race and have them run from one place to another.

With smaller groups, you can even have each student explain the reason for their answers (practice speaking). If you play the racing variant, the last person to reach his or her destination can be the one to explain his or her choice.

Good warm-up or cool-down game. The more ridiculous the questions, the funnier. Here are some examples:

1. Eat ice cream or eat cake?

2. Visit England or Germany?

3. Visit the ocean or the mountains?

4. Live in Poltava or Kiev?

5. Spend time in college and get an education or get a job immediately?

6. Study Spanish or Chinese?

7. Paint a picture or take a photograph?

8. Make music on an instrument or listen to the radio?

9. Be able to fly or be invisible?

10. Have a dog or a cat?

11. If you were on a desert island: have a cell phone or a case of water?

12. If you were on a train for several days: a book to read or music to listen to?

13. Act in a movie or perform with a famous band?

14. Have a lot of money and no friends or a regular job and plenty of friends?

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